Elizabeth Blackstock
Senior editor at Jalopnik. Co-author of "Racing With Rich Energy." Co-host of the Donut Racing Show podcast. Last seen wearing heart-shaped sunglasses at a race track.

Appreciate the numerous photos and overall quality of the review of this vehicle. Read more

What are you going to do for Las Vegas? Cocaine Bloody Mary with a small buffet as a garnish? Read more

You cannot dissolve saffron but you can ‘bloom’ it. Read more


Are you having any trouble finding ingredients for anything?
Read more

Your interior photos are awesome! Thanks for this review.  Read more

That is one fast loaf! Can’t stop laughing! This past fall our neighbors found themselves the unknowing abettors of a growing feral cat colony 2 litters deep. Before it got to critical mass, my wife trapped them all and had them fixed. Now the mama and 4 kittens from 2 generations live next door. The 87 year old Read more

Top shelf article, glad I saved it for later in the day to read instead of skimming while half working.  Read more

I had the opportunity to do a two up ride but with MotoAmerica last year. The biggest surprise for me was just how hard you can pummel the brakes on a race bike leading into the corner. I had expected to be surprised by the speed and I was but I was shocked by the braking, that was the hardest part physically for me. Read more

Fantastic article, Elizabeth. This is the stuff that still keeps me hanging around Jalopnik. Read more

Elizabeth, I’ve been reading and commenting on Jalopnik for what feels like a decade now. Read more

This is probably your best story I’ve read here. Very well done. Read more

When I was younger and a whole lot dumber I decided to take my bike up to 165 on the way home from work one day. You described it best, absolutely terrifying. I did the same speed a couple of years later in a car and it such a different experience. Read more

Well done Elizabeth... You’re articles are rarely meh... well written and informative and this is up with your very best articles... Read more

There’s nothing more entertaining in journalism than watching car people learn what ‘fast’ actually feels like. Read more

Most excellent. As a rider for approaching 50 years, you’ve identified the thing about motorcycling that has kept me involved: you absolutely have to be completely focused in the task at hand. Read more

Invest your hard-earned dollars in Moneytron, he said, and you’ll become infinitely wealthy.”

“The good news is that there will be one capitalist less in the world, the bad news is that he is me.” Read more